Archives: April 2014

04.23 2014

It is interesting when something hits you. You don’t see it coming, but there it is.  A feeling you’ve been pushing aside,  just waiting for a moment of vulnerability to come out. I am sure that many people experienced it this weekend.  An awkward moment when you started to cry or felt a pang of   Read more

04.17 2014

When I announced that I was partnering with Oiselle, I shared my passion for the company, it’s ideals, and the people who run it.  Today I am very proud to announce my partnership with Nuun.  Once again the shared values and objectives of the company make us a great match. I first started using Nuun   Read more

04.07 2014

So if you’ve seen a girl hobbling around Boulder with a crutch and think she looks a lot like me, she is. After a great track session and a swassy weekend in Palm Springs, I found out that the butt spasm that I had been complaining about was actually a sacral stress fracture. For the   Read more