This sounds awesome–can’t wait to try!
A couple of months ago I was fortunate enough to score some PLUS early. I was excited to try out this new product. Would it help me run faster? Would I feel better when I’m training with it?
Fast forward a couple of months and I have my use of PLUS down. I use it for longer sessions. For example I use it every Sunday for my long run and additionally for my longer interval session for the week. About an hour to an hour and a half before my long run or hard long interval session I will drink about 16 ounces of PLUS mixed with Nuun Active or Nuun Energy. I feel like this really primes my system for the workout ahead. I then sip on it during the workout, at hydration stops on my long runs or between intervals on the track.
How is this different from regular Nuun Active or Nuun Energy? I drink Nuun everyday. I try to drink 8-16 ounces of water plus Nuun about an hour before every run and then I sip on it during the day. I always have a bottle of Nuun at the gym as I go through my weight lifting routine. But for my longer runs and workouts, I have started to add PLUS. For me, these are sessions that are gong to last longer than 75 minutes or so. I mix it with my regular Nuun- my favorites are Lemon Lime, Lemonade, and Pink Lemonade Active, or Lemon Lime and Cherry Lime Energy. It really does not change the taste of the Nuun. It is slightly thicker, and a tad sweeter, but it still tastes light and crisp, what you’d expect to taste from Nuun.
Ever since I started using PLUS on my longer runs and training sessions I have noticed a difference in how I feel. I don’t get that thirsty feeling as quickly. I don’t get that dehydrated feeling as much at the end of my long sessions. Honestly I feel better at the start and all the way through my longer training sessions. Will this make me run faster? Only time will tell. But, I know that I have been feeling better and stronger on the longer sessions, and typically better training equates better performance. I am really excited about this new product from Nuun. It’s taking your hydration to the next level, and that’s only going to make things better!
Check out the Plus on and enjoy 20% off orders until the end of the month with the code karaplusfornuun. Enjoy! -Kara
This sounds awesome–can’t wait to try!
Hi Kara, wanted to try the nuun in general, unfortunately your discount code does not work in the shop. Kind regards, Karsten