
02.26 2014

Eating Fresh At Home

I’ve been experimenting a lot of with food lately.  I have been dabbling with vegan eating.  Although I don’t know that I’ll ever be vegan full time, I do believe that plant-based diets are extremely healthy and nutritionally sound.  For myself, the most important thing is to eat as fresh as possible.  I crave fresh fish, veggies, etc.  So that is where this meal came in.  Any part of the meal can be substituted.  Brussel sprouts not your thing?  Roast potatoes.  Not a fan of pasta?  Have some rice.  Don’t eat fish?  Sub chicken or beans.  These are three easy pieces that come together to make a healthy, fresh, and satisfying meal.  Hope you like it.


 I’ll give you the measurements I made which made plenty of food for two hungry runners, a tiny boy, and leftovers for lunch.

For the Roasted Brussel Sprouts:

– 3/4 pound brussel sprouts

– 1 Tbs Olive Oil

– 1 Tbs Balsamic Vinegar

– salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 400.  Wash brussel sprouts and trim off ends.  Cut brussel sprouts in half.  Put in bowl.  Pour olive oil and vinegar in the bowl.  Stir together.  Season with salt and pepper (I always go light here, you can always add more salt at the table).  Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.  Pour brussel sprouts on to the pan and spread around to make one even layer.  Roast for 25-30 minutes, taking them out after 15 minutes to shake the pan to move the sprouts around a bit.  The goal is to have brussel sprouts that are crisp and brown on the outside but soft on the inside.  If anything err on the side of caution and take them out a bit early.  A firmer brussel sprout is better than a charred burnt one.

For the pasta:

-8 ounces of pappardelle pasta

– 1/3 cup pesto

For ease, I didn’t make my own pesto.  I bought a local fresh variety.  We cook with pesto a lot, so I always have some on hand.  Boil water and cook the noodles al dante according to package instructions.  Heat 1/3 cup pesto in pan over low heat, toss with noodles.  Boom-done!


For the Salmon:

-1.25 lbs Norwegian Slamon (we used this because it has a higher amount of good fats, but any kind will do)

– Salt and pepper

– I Tbs Balsamic Glaze (This is just balsamic vinegar that has been reduced.  You can find it by the vinegars)

Using a pan that can go from stove top to oven, heat the pan on high.  Once it is hot, place the fish, top side down, on the pan for 1 full min.  You don’t need to put oil in the pan.  When you flip the fish only a tiny bit will stick.  Flip the fish after one minute and place skin side down.  Cook for another full minute.  During this minute season the fish with salt and pepper and drizzle the balsamic glaze on the fish.  After the minute is up, slide the pan into your oven at 400, which it already is because of the roasting brussel sprouts.  Cook for 8-12 minutes, depending on the thickness of your salmon fillet.

Start the brussel sprouts first.  Before you get them in the oven get your water started on the stove for your pasta.  Once the brussel sprouts have been roasting for about 10 min, start your fish.  This is around the time you want to start your noodles boiling as well.  This way everything ends up being done around the same time. From start to finish, this only took me 35 minutes.  Enjoy! And please let me know if you like it!


  1. Matt Edwards on February 26, 2014 3:15 pm said:

    That looks incredibly healthy and delicious! Any chance of seeing “Cooking with an Olympian” sometime soon on Food Network? Just a little side project for your rest days;-)

  2. Nicole C on February 26, 2014 3:32 pm said:

    This looks great, I can’t wait to try it!

  3. Bryce Blanch on February 26, 2014 5:37 pm said:

    This looks great. I changed my life style after having cancer, I.e. I started running and eating a lot better. What are dome of your favorite pre run foods that work best for you. I am looking to be a better runner and have better times on my races, I have been running for 2 years now and have come a long way. If anyone knows how to eat rite it would be you. Do you have any other killer recipes you would like to share.

    Bryce Blanch.

  4. Angeline on February 26, 2014 5:42 pm said:

    I will be trying this. It looks absolutely delicious. I didn’t know you were a great cook as well! I agree with you about being vegan. I aspire to be one, but realistically I know it probably won’t happen. Currently I’m about 70% vegan, so that’s not too bad.
    Will let you know how I get on with the salmon. Thanks for posting.

  5. Katy Nelson on February 26, 2014 6:04 pm said:

    This sounds delicious, and thank you for the detail about what to cook when, types of food you choose and why, etc. I’m interested in learning more about the best foods to eat for running – both while training hard and just every day. I love your suggestions, keep them coming!!

  6. Heather asmar on February 26, 2014 10:58 pm said:

    I’m cooking now.! Thank you, I’m doing the fish and Brussels sprouts. Husband already cooked rice. I’ll let you know! I’m sure it’s delish!

  7. That method of cooking the fish sounds like the perfect alternative when the sub-freezing temps aren’t conducive to grilling. Look forward to trying it with the Norwegian Salmon I bought this week!

  8. My boyfriend and I are both pescatarian runners so this is going on our list for sure! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Rebecca on March 12, 2014 5:45 pm said:

    Kara, please join us vegans full-time!! Give yourself three weeks of just trying it, and you’ll never look back. I saw that you recently posted a picture of the Vega Sport protein powder (it’s amazing stuff!). If you haven’t already, I highly recommend Brendan Brazier’s Thrive book series. It’s guaranteed to change your life and perspective on going completely plant-based. Hope to see you back in NY soon.

  10. Kacey on March 17, 2014 12:49 am said:

    Delicious. We have some fine-tuning to do, but it will be a family favorite now. Thanks for sharing! Look forward to more recipes.

  11. J on January 31, 2016 3:23 am said:

    Kara, hello….please consider coming out with a cookbook! I just discovered you & Lottie’s (runningonveggies) posts and I strongly urge you to collaborate and come out with a book! 🙂 I heard SF (that other runner) is coming out with one). I would enjoy reading one from you instead. I am encouraging you to do a book! 🙂 It would be easy, you are already doing the “easy work” by daily posting your healthy eating and such leading up to the Olympic trials! The book would fly off the shelf! 🙂 And good luck next week! You look fit as all get out! Keep up the good work! Run to Win and give it your all! You are in a right place mentally & physically and it shows! It’s paying off and we will see you representing USA in Rio! Good luck, Kara. 🙂 🙂

    • We are working on it! -Kara

  12. Pingback: #Svelteloves Strong Women: Kara Goucher

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