That’s really cool! It’s amazing to see how our actions, known or unknown, influence those around us. “Keeping up with the Gouchers” actually inspired me to get back into running after taking a few years off post college.
Hi Kara,
I’m Kat. My dad interviewed you a couple years ago for his book, In Search of Fatherhood. You might not remember, but you came over to our house with your husband because my dad wanted us to meet you. And you probably don’t remember me because I was about 10 and very shy and I’m pretty sure I didn’t say a word the whole time because you were a world-class athlete and therefore very intimidating to 10 year-old me. But basically I just wanted to let you know that you made a huge difference in my life.
Kat Renner
I never had any intention of running until I met you. My mom ran a little and so did my older sister but I just never even considered it. But when my dad introduced me to you, I was so inspired and so excited. I had never met anyone like you before. I started reading Runners World at the doctor’s office when I saw you on the cover, going to short runs on the trails behind my house. My school didn’t have a cross country team, so I joined the one at West Sylvan as soon as I could. And I loved it–I had never felt anything as amazing as running a race, I did things I didn’t even know were possible. I got your book as soon as it came out and read it cover to cover in a few days. I followed your progress online. You were such a big inspiration to me. And meanwhile, I was falling completely in love with running. When I placed in the top 10 at the district meet in 8th grade, I knew this was something I had to keep doing. I joined the cross country team at Lincoln, (where I’m at school as a freshman) and trained like crazy with them over the summer and it paid off; by the time fall rolled around, I was fast enough to run the entire season varsity. I never in a million years thought I would be able to do that, much less do it as a freshman.
Running changed my life, and has gotten me through some really difficult times these past few years. It has helped me in more ways than I thought it ever would, and I owe it all to you. You were really the reason I started running, and it has changed my life. I’m so so grateful.
I told my dad all this in the car one morning and he goes “You should tell Kara that. Email her,” so here we go. Good luck with the move to Colorado, with running, with Colt and your husband and everything else. I’ll keep following your races online, and I’m diving into training for track season and swim team.
Thanks again so so much,
That’s really cool! It’s amazing to see how our actions, known or unknown, influence those around us. “Keeping up with the Gouchers” actually inspired me to get back into running after taking a few years off post college.
That is an awesome and inspirational story! Thanks for sharing Kat! I wish there were a like button 🙂
My wife and I run marathons and so do 2 of our three married children. We are fans of Kara and Shaylene and always hope the best for them. My wife has run Boston 3 times and is about to run another tomorrow. My daughter took 1st in her age group in Newport Oregon and qualified. I’m still working on qualifying.
We wish you the best. Sounds like you have a lot of potential.
Hey Kat,
That’s the way to go! Kara got you started just like she and Adam have inspired so many others just like you – but don’t underestimate how your dedication, focus, drive and determination has contributed to you becoming “that guy”. Congratulations on a job well done and keep it up ’cause you never know how far it might take you, now that you’ve broken through the shackles of the ordinary. You’re special, you’ve made it that way best of luck on your journey….after all, you’re just getting warmed up.