Up and Running!

Well, welcome to my new website! I’m so excited that it is finally here and ready to be shared with everyone out there who follows my career.
For years my husband has encouraged me to start my own website. I always resisted the idea. I’d wonder what the point would be, who would read it, and where I’d find the time to start it. But over the past year, I’ve started to realize that I did want a place to share my thoughts with you. A place for me to share my journey, give a little advice on things that make my life easier, and where you would have a voice as well. I have always tried to focus on the positive, so when I broke my foot this summer, I decided to get the website going with the extra time I would have on my hands. After endless chats with Adam and help from some great women, here it is!
I hope that you enjoy the website. My goal for it is to help you get to know me on a more personal level. Maybe an experience I share with you can help you get over an injury. Maybe I’ll show you a recipe that becomes one of your new favorites. The aim is to help and inspire you to get more out of your running, and therefore your life.
And I’m hoping to get back something from you too. I want you to share your stories with me. I get inspiration from people everywhere, and I want to hear how running has influenced your life. Once a month, I’ll share one of your stories and we can keep inspiring each other.
So there it is, take a look around! And thanks for continuing to support me on my journey. Now, I’m hoping to give you a little support back.