
10.29 2013

Up and Running!


Well, welcome to my new website! I’m so excited that it is finally here and ready to be shared with everyone out there who follows my career.

For years my husband has encouraged me to start my own website. I always resisted the idea. I’d wonder what the point would be, who would read it, and where I’d find the time to start it. But over the past year, I’ve started to realize that I did want a place to share my thoughts with you. A place for me to share my journey, give a little advice on things that make my life easier, and where you would have a voice as well. I have always tried to focus on the positive, so when I broke my foot this summer, I decided to get the website going with the extra time I would have on my hands. After endless chats with Adam and help from some great women, here it is!

I hope that you enjoy the website. My goal for it is to help you get to know me on a more personal level. Maybe an experience I share with you can help you get over an injury. Maybe I’ll show you a recipe that becomes one of your new favorites. The aim is to help and inspire you to get more out of your running, and therefore your life.

And I’m hoping to get back something from you too. I want you to share your stories with me. I get inspiration from people everywhere, and I want to hear how running has influenced your life. Once a month, I’ll share one of your stories and we can keep inspiring each other.

So there it is, take a look around! And thanks for continuing to support me on my journey. Now, I’m hoping to give you a little support back.


  1. lindsey b on December 12, 2013 3:49 pm said:

    I’m so excited that you started a blog! As a fellow Minnesooootan, I’ve been following your running career for many years now, and truly admire your dedication, perseverance, and determination. You truly are my inspiration, and I know many others feel the same.

  2. Elisa on December 12, 2013 4:00 pm said:

    Love it! You have been an inspiration to me as i have followed your running over the past years! Keep on running strong!! We are cheering you on!

  3. Sherri Lien Thompson on December 12, 2013 4:03 pm said:

    My co-worker and I are very excited about your website! We teach and coach high school girls cross country and we both are runners ourselves. As a mother, I find you an inspiration to all women. Although I currently live in New Orleans, I too am from northern Minnesota and have followed your success since you were young. You makes us proud!

  4. Michelle on December 12, 2013 4:12 pm said:

    I am giddy with excitement you have a blog and website! I’ve had my blog for several years now, and I enjoy connecting with other runners and people who are interested in the same things I am.

  5. Karen on December 12, 2013 4:30 pm said:

    Love that you have a blog now! You’re such an inspiration to me so I’m thrilled you’ll be a little more accessible!

  6. Jandy on December 12, 2013 5:32 pm said:

    So happy to hear you are coming back to Boulder. I’ve followed your running career for quite a while, and you are a huge inspiration to many. Keep inspiring Kara! Happy running : )

  7. Meredith on December 12, 2013 7:23 pm said:

    Thank you so much for making this site, Kara. You were an inspiration to me as I started taking my running to the next level, and continue to be – more so now – as a new mom working to reclaim my training. Have fun with this!

  8. Amy Wachler on December 12, 2013 9:59 pm said:


    I just wanted to say thank you for being such a strong, honest and inspiring role model. I look up to you as a runner, and for your wisdom and inner strength and courage. I’ve been fighting a string of injuries over the last year and trying to learn from each experience, focusing on long term goals and becoming a faster, smarter athlete. Thank you for being so open with your own struggles and for motivating all of us to keep believing and to never give up – I’ve often thought about what you’ve said and the way you’ve come through challenges when I’m struggling to stay positive. I’ll never forget how exciting it was to see you in Boston this year and knowing you were running with all of us (even though you were hours ahead!) that day. love the new website and please keep writing and sharing your life with all of us who admire you!

  9. mommyrunsalot on December 13, 2013 1:14 pm said:


    I’m so pleased you have started your website. You’ve been such an inspiration to me – a mommy runner! I especially love how honest you are – about your past struggles with mental toughness (dealing with negative chatter during running), how difficult it was to get back at it after having Colt, about the choices you make to be successful as a runner (from nutrition to training to believing), etc. I so look forward to hearing about all your training tips, food (yay!) recipes, and experiences of training at your elite level while also balancing family life 🙂

  10. Lindsay H. on December 13, 2013 10:42 pm said:

    I’m so glad that I found your blog! I just think you are an amazing role model and I really admire all that you’ve accomplished and continually strive towards. I have some of your running quotes hanging in my dorm room, and they’d always get me psyched to run when I’d leave for practice. Thank you for the continuous inspiration and good luck with your move to Boulder!

  11. Timothy Birir on December 15, 2013 10:40 am said:

    I am a Kenyan and have hung out in the pro running circuits although my interest is mainly in the recreational running. And i have followed your running with great interest. I would want to encourage you to keep the blog running as some of us mortals really draw inspiration from old copies of runners world, names like your own, the bizarre colours of training shoes and discussion boards.
    And oh- this should be the line you have heard the most-should you ever in your life set foot in Kenya, Dinner will be on me.
    Chak De!
    Go! Go! Go!

  12. Kristi Wiley on December 17, 2013 4:35 pm said:

    Kara! I’m so excited about your new website! You’re such a big role model for me. Im looking forward to your blog entries and recipes. Thanks for being awesome 🙂

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